About me ᵒᴥᵒ

Hello my lovelies!

Me, my mum, and my brothers!
(I'm the girl on the right)

This page is going to be a dedicated About me/A day in the life of Holly.

Bubba and Boo
To start off, I was born on the 6th of February 1996 in a small city called Norwich which is in the south-east of England. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. I have 2 brothers, a mum, a dad, and 2 cats whom I love dearly. Also I love my wonderful boyfriend who I actually met on a game (Maplestory) so I guess you could say gaming has done a lot for me - which is why I wanted to start a gaming blog because I have played a lot of games from the age of 3 onwards and wanted to share my experience with whoever wants to see it. I also love writing as I am a former English Language and Literature student! ᵒᴥᵒ


Why do I love Gaming so much?

A Skyrim Word of Power that spells out
'Iggy' in dragon alphabet for his birthday

My brothers heavily shaped my childhood, as they were around 7-8 when I was born in 1996 - which is when games and shows like Pokemon etc started to appear. Infact, I distinctly remember being 3 years old and begging my dad to buy me Pokemon Green - basically, gaming was always in my blood. Later on in life, due to my tomboyish nature, I was bullied physically and verbally for 3-4 years to a point where the police had to be called several times. Games were an escape for me. I could be anyone/anything I wanted at anytime. For birthdays and Christmas I would receive handhelds/consoles like the Gameboy SP, PS2, and I remember on one special birthday my dad had bought me a brand new purple Gamecube that came with 15 or so games. To this day, 2 of my most favourite games are: Luigis Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, and Pokemon Colosseum. I then moved onto the original silver DS which I loved, I would play Animal Crossing till 4am just waiting for rare beetles to spawn on the palm trees. Fast-forward to now, and I regularly play Skyrim (PS3) and my 3DS XL which I have many games for (I'm in impulse buyer, oops!).

My current (3)DS games are:
  • Super Mario 3D Land
  • Pokemon X
  • Pokemon SoulSilver
  • Pokemon: Art Academy
  • Pokemon Pearl 
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
  • Trauma Center
  • Rayman 3D
  • Sonic Rush
  • Mario Kart 7
  • Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes 
  • Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf

And many other small eShop games. I really intend on buying Ocarina of Time, as well as a Wii U, since I loved my Wii so much and Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 are some of my favourite games to date. 

My 3DS XL with my Vaporeon plush and Animal Crossing

Thank you for reading, and for any support you have given me, if you have any requests then please let me know!

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