Thursday 14 August 2014


Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be reviewing the 2D Sidescrolling game, Limbo!

Limbo is a horror, puzzle-platformer with a silhouetted style that is centred around a young boy who wakes up in an unknown forest on a mission to find his missing sister. He encounters dangerous environments and traps that are accompanied by eerie sounds and dark, black and grey surroundings - this greatly corresponds to the horror-genre that has been well met by Playdead, the creators.


It is available on: Xbox 360, PS3, Windows PC, OSX, Linux, Ps Vita, OnLive, and iOS. It is not free to play, however the fact that it can be played on an array of systems makes it a bit more forgiving - especially since you can get it on iOS! It averages around £7 for the full game.
I would like to point out that the game only lasts around 2 hours, however I feel It is not just a game, it is an experience in itself.


In terms of controls, the boy can run left or right, jump, hold onto ropes, and push/pull objects to ultimately move across the map and get to the next part. 


In the first part of the game there are many animal bosses that come out unprovoked, such as the giant spider - one of the more recognisable enemies in Limbo. There are also hidden bear traps and evil glow-worms that cling onto the boys head and push him in an unchangeable direction - which can be cured by the glow-worms being exposed to light or when the boy comes into contact with an npc.

As you can imagine, the game has caused an uproar of theories and possible story explanations, since it is never actually explained. Many people believe that the game is the boys journey to Heaven or Hell, which would make sense considering the game is called Limbo. At one point during his journey, he encounters a female character, who abruptly vanishes before he can reach her (remember how I was talking about his missing sister? - I know what you're thinking - creepy!).


The second part of the game is more mechanical, and industrial, as it uses obstacles like electromagnetic fields, and shifts in gravity - which more or less, kill the boy. 
 Developers like to call Limbo, a 'Trial and Death' game, since the player will most likely die many times during. However, the player can restart at the most recent checkpoint. 

Onto the review part!

  • It has a unique art-style.
  • It fits the horror genre very well, playing on the unknown, and lack of colour.
  • The lack of storyline allows the players imagination to run wild.
  • It is easy to control, and uses basic game commands.
  • The puzzles are quite challenging but not to a point where you want to rip your hair out.
  • It is fairly inexpensive.

  • It is a short game
  • Sometimes the vague-ness of the story and characters can agitate gamers that like to know games in and out.
  • It costs money - not much, but a small amount.
  • It may be too graphic for some audiences.

On a scale of 1-10, I give this game 7.5 cupcakes!

Thanks for reading!

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