Thursday 14 August 2014

HearthStone: Heroes of Warcraft!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be doing a review/vague explanation of Blizzard's Free to play online card game 'HearthStone: Heroes of Warcraft'

If you didn't already know, the game and the characters included are based on World of Warcraft, an extremely popular MMO. It is available on Mac, Windows, and Apple iPads.

Its turn-based between 2 players as they try to destroy eachothers Heroes by using minions, weapons, and spells. 

The red box symbolises your Hero, and as you can see, whenever you play a minion card - Such as the Novice Engineer as seen on the picture - it appears on your side of the board, and after one turn, you can attack with it. Whether that's to the other players minion(s) (disabling their ability to hit your hero as much) or straight into their hero. Each turn you gain 1 mana crystal, which allows you to play certain cards corresponding to your mana.

For example, if you wanted to play a 3 cost card, you would have to wait till turn 3+.


There are 9 heroes you can play with, each comes with their own individual ability, such as: healing, dealing damage, buffing your minions, etc.
The 9 heroes are: 

The picture is a tiny bit blurry, but as you can see, you can play as most of the classes from World of Warcraft, excluding Death Knight and Monk - whether these will be added in future updates I don't know, but there is already a huge range to choose from regardless. 


From completing daily quests you earn gold, which you can then spend on a pack of cards. It costs 100 gold to get 1 pack of 5 cards, and the daily quests usually have a value of about 40-60 gold (you can only have 3 quests at a time though). In each pack you get atleast 1 Rare, however it is possible to get Epic and Legendary cards. Golden versions of cards can also appear. 

Every 3 wins on Casual/Ranked mode you get 10 gold.


Onto the review part!

  • It is FREE TO PLAY! 
  • It is completely strategy based, and no heroes have certain type-advantages to other heroes, and vice versa.
  • It is vibrant and has a lot of great artwork.
  • It is easy obtain gold.
  • You do not need to buy power to exceed.
  • Those who are familiar with the characters in World of Warcraft will find it fun because they will recognise the characters.
  • The mana crystal system allows the game to have a good amount of tension, since once you've used up your mana, you have to wait a turn for it to refill.
  • The chance to find a card above rare when opening a pack is exciting.
  • Even if you already have 2 of the same card, you can disenchant your spares to then create new cards.
  • Getting only 1 quest a day can get boring, since after the quest is done, there isn't much to work towards - apart from ranking up and getting 10 gold every 3 wins.
  • For those that have never played World of Warcraft, it can be a long process getting to know all of the characters/cards (I don't really see this as a con since in most games you have to learn something knew, but in some cases I have been confused and overwhelmed with the variety).

On a scale of 1-10 cupcakes, I give this game 9.5 Cupcakes! 

Thanks for reading!

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