Sunday 17 August 2014

My top 5 Robin Williams moments on-screen.

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be paying respect to the late Robin Williams who died due to Self-Asphyxia. I'm not going to go into much detail about his death, because it is graphic and a sensitive subject.

For those who do not know me very well, I grew up watching Robin Williams films with my older brothers. I remember buying Mrs Doubtfire on VHS for £4 and was so excited to get home and watch it with my family. We absolutely loved it and it is a family favourite which we still quote to this day. Robin Williams had a huge impact on my childhood, and If I wasn't watching Disney films, I would be watching Jumanji, Aladdin, Hook, or Flubber. As I grew older, I started to understand the maturer films, such as Bicentennial Man, and Patch Adams. I felt like Robin Williams himself had grown up with me, as if he was family. 

Growing up watching a certain actor, and seeing them as a role model throughout your life makes you want to believe that they'll be around forever - this reminds me of his role in Hook, as he was Peter Pan - he never wanted to grow up and age. Seeing someone like Robin, who appeared so content and confident with his acting, I guess you would think he'd be here for a long time. Unfortunately, depression can hide in the tiniest cracks of your mind and slowly those cracks start to spread. 

I don't want this post to be sad, instead I want to celebrate his life and the legacy he left. Which is why I'm going to be doing my top 5 favourite Robin Williams moments on-screen, from my favourite films: Mrs Doubtfire, Aladdin, Hook, Jumanji, and Flubber. 

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :) 

1. "This Hollandaise sauce smells like burnt rubber.."

2. "Mr Aladdin, sir, what will your pleasure be?"

3. "..You can fly, you can fight, you can-"

4. "What year is it?!"

5. "Its amazing! Its miraculous! its....gone."


This week, family, friends, the film industry, and the world lost someone incredibly precious. This has been such an enormous loss. 

Before I end the blog post I would like to say this:
Please do NOT suffer in silence, there are those who can help you. 

Thank you Robin Williams for providing millions of people with endless laughter. Your legacy will live on. You are gone, but not forgotten. 

Thanks for reading!

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