Sunday 17 August 2014

Pokemon: Art Academy!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be reviewing a fairly new game called Pokemon: Art Academy for 3DS
I was very excited for this to come out, as I am a former Art and Graphics student and regularly draw in my spare time.

Pokemon: Art Academy, is evidently a drawing game that teaches you how to draw Pokemon using many different mediums, such as: Pastel, pencil, and paint. It is not competitive and is single player, as you work your way through drawing each Pokemon the game throws at you. There are a lot of different stages that increase in difficulty as you progress, for example: The first few 'levels' or so to speak, are solely about drawing several Pokemon(s) heads to   warm you up - It then moves onto different angles, full body, etc. You are guided by Professor Andy, who teaches you the basics, along with another person in your class, who doesn't have the best drawing skills.. to say the least.

As you can see, your drawing partner is a 
bit inept when it comes to the artistic side, but I think we all know it's because Nintendo are trying to flatter those who play it. Nevertheless he does improve and so do you! You have total free-reign over how well you draw the Pokemon given to you, intact theres no point-system as to how accurate you are with lines and colours etc, purely because not everyone has natural drawing flair which is completely understandable. Being able to take this game at your own pace makes it much more enjoyable and relaxing.

There is also the option to draw freely, and also select from a wide variety of quick-draw Pokemon. I have drawn things from other franchises many times, as the use of layers in Pokemon: Art Academy allow you to differentiate between the outline(s) and colour(s) - making it rather similar to drawing programs such as Photoshop and Gimp - but portable!

Unfortunately, the game is not viewable in 3D which juxtaposes the system it is on, however it would not add much to the game if 3D was available. I think it would be really fun to re-watch your drawings in 3D, because then they'd really come to life.

Onto the review part!


  • It teaches you how to draw Pokemon, but also teaches you many drawing techniques which is extremely useful if you are a creative arts fan.
  • It is a very vibrant and cheerful game - meaning it doesn't stress the player out because its completely subjective and personal how you draw.
  • It includes Pokemon from every generation, including legendaries.
  • There are a lot of different mediums you can draw with that are accurate and educational.
  • The Professor trains you up to be able to draw things free-hand.
  • It gets a lot harder quickly in-game, adding challenge to it.
  • There are NO time limits!
  • You can buy it for as little as £24.99


  • It is not viewable in 3D.
  • Due to it becoming progressively difficult, it may not be suited for a younger audience as it becomes more in-depth quite quickly.
  • Although it is cheap for a 3DS game, it is still £24.99+ which may put some people off considering its just a drawing game.
  • It is not long enough - meaning the classes and different levels can be completed in a matter of hours - depending on how long you spend on each drawing.
  • There are no achievements.


On a scale of 1-10, I give this game 7.5 Cupcakes!

Thanks for reading!

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