Friday 29 August 2014

The new 3DS and 3DS LL!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I wanted to make a post about the very recent news that Nintendo are releasing a new and improved model of the already wonderful 3DS. No names have been announced for the new models, but it comes in a normal size, and a larger size.

There is not too much information yet about what this release entails, but we are confident about the added and improved features. A Japanese video was released this morning highlighting the new add-ons compared to the old 3DS and 3DS XL: 

There are now ZR buttons next to the original L and R buttons which is similar to the Wii U.

The card slot, power button, and stylus slot are now on the bottom of the DS (reverse to where the Start and Select buttons used to be) - allowing the new Start and Select buttons to be placed underneath the A,B,Y, X buttons for easy access. 

A new feature called Amiibo has been added, allowing the player to use physical statues and items that correspond to certain games by placing them on the bottom screen. (Picture is above).

However I feel that one of the biggest and most needed improvement(s) is that this new 3DS has much better 3D unit - which stops the blur when it is moved. As the 3DS's right now have to be in a particular spot for the 3D to be activated.

Although I only received my 3DS XL in February, I will definitely be trading it in to get the new LL model. As right now they have been priced to be almost cheaper than the original 3DS's. The smaller one is 16,000 Yen, and the LL one is 18,800 Yen. Which right now is about £92 and £108 - very inexpensive for a brand new handheld. My 3DS XL cost around £180! They will launch in Japan on October 11th 2014, It is unknown when it will be available internationally but it shouldn't be too long after I hope - there are speculations that the rest of the world will get them early 2015. If you want to watch the Video, I will leave it here:

I'm sorry for the short post, but as more information is added, I will update it! 

Thanks for reading!

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