Saturday 23 August 2014

The Simulation Game Phenomenon.

Hello my lovelies!

Today my post has been inspired by my own findings. It has come to my attention that Simulation games are becoming more and more popular, thanks to the likes of The Sims, Surgeon Simulator, etc. However, there has been an uproar of indie Simulation games that you might (not) want to check out.

No, I am not kidding. I can't find the name of the person who created this, but I can tell you that if you've ever wanted to be a Turtle, then this is the game for you. You start off on the beach, as a Turtle. You can move,  just very slowly, like a Turtle. 

-Not actual gameplay footage-

Another gem. In this simulator, you have the ability to look at trees around you, as you are a tree yourself. However you can't move, funnily enough. But there's more! Day and night have been implemented into it too, so it feels really realistic.

Once again, not actual footage. I wish it was though.


3. Curtain Simulator - note, I couldn't find the link for this. Shame.

This is probably one of the more interactive Simulators on this list. As you start off with a short tutorial (why you would even need to read it I don't know) that then takes you to a black and white scene, with 2 stick-people sitting on a couch, as well as a window, with some very annoying curtains - I mean, they're known for their notorious attitudes, right?...
Anyway, all you have to do is move your cursor around a lot, like, vigorously. The curtains will rip and move. There are also 4 other 'levels': one in a butchers, another on some kind of Volleyball court, one in a toilet, and one in a bathroom. 

I know what you're thinking... someone call Curtain Awareness. The abuse needs to stop.

Oh man, even looking at these things annoys me. Eck. 


See, I like that there are a lot of nature-based Simulators, it shows me that not everyone is obsessed with industrialisation. On the other hand, I don't like that in rock simulator, you aren't even a rock, more like a ethereal being that stares at other rocks. I haven't actually played it, but there is a lot of 'footage' online. 

I am inspired.

Well thats the end of my blogpost for today, sorry it's so short, but I really can't go into detail about any of these. They're hilarious when it comes to the concept, but honestly, stick to the more high-profile ones. As for me, I'm just gonna stick to life simulator. Such fun!

Thanks for reading!

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