Tuesday 19 August 2014

Super Mario Galaxy!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be reviewing one of my favourite games on Wii - Super Mario Galaxy!

Super Mario Galaxy is a 3D platform game that came out in 2007 and is an incredibly unique game, as the worlds are galaxies situated in different rooms of Princess Rosalinas spaceship (the Comet Observatory) , that is powered by Power Stars - a regular collectable item in the Super Mario Franchise. What makes it different from the other Super Mario games, is that in each level you work your way through different planets that each have their own gravitational field as you collect Starbits - the games currency and Luma-food. (A quick pointer, you do collect coins however they're only used to gain lives. The Starbits allow you to progress in the game and go to extra levels provided by the Lumas.) 

This GIF is from the new Super Smash Bros game, but this is
Rosalina and one of the Lumas.


  The storyline:

Rosalinas Storybook explains the story on how she went to space and became to be the Mother of Lumas. A new chapter is accessible upon completing certain galaxies. Mario can go to the Library where Rosalina sometimes reads it, accompanied by a soothing lullaby music track, known as Rosalinas Theme. If you want to know the full story (Although I suggest playing the game) then you can watch it here.

The cover of Rosalinas Storybook

Aside from Rosalinas story, there is the obvious and typical storyline that Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser. During Mario's rescue attempt, he is flung into space and meets Rosalina who exclaims that she can't power her ship unless she has Power Stars - thus Mario's journey begins on his quest to save Peach. I'm having major Deja Vu here.


There are 5 different comets that change the gameplay of levels randomly that start appearing after the 13th Power Star has been retrieved. For example: You could end up trying to do a level with just 1/3 of your health bar.

When going to a galaxy, you will see a large
comet pass over one of the planets (levels)

As well as new characters such as Rosalina and the Luma species, Super Mario Galaxy also added new power-ups, such as: 

Bee Mushroom: Allows the player to fly for a short amount of time and stick to Honeycomb that appears in some of the levels.
Boo Mushroom: Turns the player into a Boo ghost and allows you to go through walls and read Boo language.
Spring Mushroom: Allows the player to jump higher, but with a lot less control over your direction. Warning - can be fatal if misused! 
Red Star: Such as the Wing cap in Super Mario 64, the Red Star allows the user to fly without any gravitational pull.
Rainbow Star: Such as the regular star in previous Super Mario games, it allows the player to be invincible temporarily.

Onto the review part! 

  • It is a vibrant and colourful game.
  • The introduction of new power-ups makes it more interesting for fans of the Mario Franchise.
  • It is a completely unique Mario game due to it being set in space and reasons I mentioned previously.
  • There are A LOT of levels, and a lot of different levels, such as: Toy themed levels, and also levels that resemble the more retro Mario games (Look up Throwback galaxy!)
  • Upon completing the game, you access Super Luigi Galaxy, where you can play through the whole game using our favourite twin, Luigi!
  • The Prankster Comets make the game fun even after you've completed it.
  • Rosalinas story could melt anyones heart.
  • The game has more depth than previous Mario games, due to the introduction of characters like Lumas.
  • There is a second game!
  • Due to it being on a Wii, it is not HD.
  • The controls can sometimes be a bit fiddly, due to the player having to shake the WiiMote to progress in levels & retrieve Starbits

On a scale of 1-10, I give this game 9.8/10 Cupcakes!

Thanks for reading!

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