Friday 29 August 2014

The new 3DS and 3DS LL!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I wanted to make a post about the very recent news that Nintendo are releasing a new and improved model of the already wonderful 3DS. No names have been announced for the new models, but it comes in a normal size, and a larger size.

There is not too much information yet about what this release entails, but we are confident about the added and improved features. A Japanese video was released this morning highlighting the new add-ons compared to the old 3DS and 3DS XL: 

There are now ZR buttons next to the original L and R buttons which is similar to the Wii U.

The card slot, power button, and stylus slot are now on the bottom of the DS (reverse to where the Start and Select buttons used to be) - allowing the new Start and Select buttons to be placed underneath the A,B,Y, X buttons for easy access. 

A new feature called Amiibo has been added, allowing the player to use physical statues and items that correspond to certain games by placing them on the bottom screen. (Picture is above).

However I feel that one of the biggest and most needed improvement(s) is that this new 3DS has much better 3D unit - which stops the blur when it is moved. As the 3DS's right now have to be in a particular spot for the 3D to be activated.

Although I only received my 3DS XL in February, I will definitely be trading it in to get the new LL model. As right now they have been priced to be almost cheaper than the original 3DS's. The smaller one is 16,000 Yen, and the LL one is 18,800 Yen. Which right now is about £92 and £108 - very inexpensive for a brand new handheld. My 3DS XL cost around £180! They will launch in Japan on October 11th 2014, It is unknown when it will be available internationally but it shouldn't be too long after I hope - there are speculations that the rest of the world will get them early 2015. If you want to watch the Video, I will leave it here:

I'm sorry for the short post, but as more information is added, I will update it! 

Thanks for reading!

Saturday 23 August 2014

The Simulation Game Phenomenon.

Hello my lovelies!

Today my post has been inspired by my own findings. It has come to my attention that Simulation games are becoming more and more popular, thanks to the likes of The Sims, Surgeon Simulator, etc. However, there has been an uproar of indie Simulation games that you might (not) want to check out.

No, I am not kidding. I can't find the name of the person who created this, but I can tell you that if you've ever wanted to be a Turtle, then this is the game for you. You start off on the beach, as a Turtle. You can move,  just very slowly, like a Turtle. 

-Not actual gameplay footage-

Another gem. In this simulator, you have the ability to look at trees around you, as you are a tree yourself. However you can't move, funnily enough. But there's more! Day and night have been implemented into it too, so it feels really realistic.

Once again, not actual footage. I wish it was though.


3. Curtain Simulator - note, I couldn't find the link for this. Shame.

This is probably one of the more interactive Simulators on this list. As you start off with a short tutorial (why you would even need to read it I don't know) that then takes you to a black and white scene, with 2 stick-people sitting on a couch, as well as a window, with some very annoying curtains - I mean, they're known for their notorious attitudes, right?...
Anyway, all you have to do is move your cursor around a lot, like, vigorously. The curtains will rip and move. There are also 4 other 'levels': one in a butchers, another on some kind of Volleyball court, one in a toilet, and one in a bathroom. 

I know what you're thinking... someone call Curtain Awareness. The abuse needs to stop.

Oh man, even looking at these things annoys me. Eck. 


See, I like that there are a lot of nature-based Simulators, it shows me that not everyone is obsessed with industrialisation. On the other hand, I don't like that in rock simulator, you aren't even a rock, more like a ethereal being that stares at other rocks. I haven't actually played it, but there is a lot of 'footage' online. 

I am inspired.

Well thats the end of my blogpost for today, sorry it's so short, but I really can't go into detail about any of these. They're hilarious when it comes to the concept, but honestly, stick to the more high-profile ones. As for me, I'm just gonna stick to life simulator. Such fun!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Why I think you should check out GameGrumps

Hello my lovelies!

Today I have a different kind of post, intact this one is going to be about my favourite Youtube Gaming Channel, GameGrumps. Directed by Arin and Danny (formerly Arin and Jon), as they say outrageously funny things whilst recording their game-play.

GameGrumps was created by Arin Hanson (Egoraptor) and JonTron (JonTronShow) in mid-2012. Around a year later, JonTron left to pursue his career with his channel JonTronShow, and was replaced by Danny Avidan - who also goes by the name 'Danny Sexbang' on his original channel, NinjaSexParty where he creates hilarious music and videos along with his partner, Ninja Brian. Barry is the editor of GameGrumps, as he sorts out the thumbnails, videos, etc - but regularly appears on the GameGrumps series'. Suzy is Arin's wife, and also regularly appears on GameGrumps, but also has her own beauty/advice channel, which is Mortem3r.

As of now, GameGrumps has over 1.7 million subscribers and over 660 million views in total - as    they have many spin-off series, such as: 

Steam Trainwhich is hosted by Ross who plays solely PC games, through the popular gaming hub - Steam (hence the name). There are also variations of Steam Train, depending on the season (E.G: Jingle Grumps, Ghoul Grumps)

GameGrumps Vs - a series hosted by Danny and Arin as they go head-to-head, playing a variety of games, for example: Fighting games and trivia games.

Steam Rolled - hosted by all 4 of the GameGrumps, with the exception of Danny in recent months - is where they all compete playing a game.

Table Flip - a unique series, where the Grumps play board games - sometimes with a guest - as they dress up and act like folk from the Victorian Era. (With the occasional dick-joke)

Guest Grumps - a series where each episode features a guest.

GameGrumps Animated - a chain of short videos in an animated style that highlight some of GameGrumps best moments. Created by Fans.

So why should you subscribe to them? 

Well, the truth is, I can't make you subscribe to them, or even watch them. But from my own experience, GameGrumps as a whole has helped me overcome my anxiety and enabled me to laugh and smile - even in the darkest times. They don't just make dick jokes,  they talk about real things in life; like their own personal stories. It enables the viewer to connect and relate with them, which is what i've found to be the most endearing thing. To me, GameGrumps is a family, and a place where I can feel safe. I can't believe I'm this attached to some random Gaming channel, but they have really changed my life, and I can always depend on them to cheer me up. They also play a variety of games, and their laid-back attitudes are relaxing. Sometimes I just have episodes playing the background. I love Arin, Suzy, Barry, Ross, and Dan, so much so that it is my wish to meet them and talk to them. Especially Suzy since she's the most precious and kindest person ever from what I can see on Twitter, and in her videos. 

   "Whether you come back on an iPad, or on    a computer screen, GameGrumps will always be there to welcome  you home."

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Super Mario Galaxy!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be reviewing one of my favourite games on Wii - Super Mario Galaxy!

Super Mario Galaxy is a 3D platform game that came out in 2007 and is an incredibly unique game, as the worlds are galaxies situated in different rooms of Princess Rosalinas spaceship (the Comet Observatory) , that is powered by Power Stars - a regular collectable item in the Super Mario Franchise. What makes it different from the other Super Mario games, is that in each level you work your way through different planets that each have their own gravitational field as you collect Starbits - the games currency and Luma-food. (A quick pointer, you do collect coins however they're only used to gain lives. The Starbits allow you to progress in the game and go to extra levels provided by the Lumas.) 

This GIF is from the new Super Smash Bros game, but this is
Rosalina and one of the Lumas.


  The storyline:

Rosalinas Storybook explains the story on how she went to space and became to be the Mother of Lumas. A new chapter is accessible upon completing certain galaxies. Mario can go to the Library where Rosalina sometimes reads it, accompanied by a soothing lullaby music track, known as Rosalinas Theme. If you want to know the full story (Although I suggest playing the game) then you can watch it here.

The cover of Rosalinas Storybook

Aside from Rosalinas story, there is the obvious and typical storyline that Princess Peach has been kidnapped by Bowser. During Mario's rescue attempt, he is flung into space and meets Rosalina who exclaims that she can't power her ship unless she has Power Stars - thus Mario's journey begins on his quest to save Peach. I'm having major Deja Vu here.


There are 5 different comets that change the gameplay of levels randomly that start appearing after the 13th Power Star has been retrieved. For example: You could end up trying to do a level with just 1/3 of your health bar.

When going to a galaxy, you will see a large
comet pass over one of the planets (levels)

As well as new characters such as Rosalina and the Luma species, Super Mario Galaxy also added new power-ups, such as: 

Bee Mushroom: Allows the player to fly for a short amount of time and stick to Honeycomb that appears in some of the levels.
Boo Mushroom: Turns the player into a Boo ghost and allows you to go through walls and read Boo language.
Spring Mushroom: Allows the player to jump higher, but with a lot less control over your direction. Warning - can be fatal if misused! 
Red Star: Such as the Wing cap in Super Mario 64, the Red Star allows the user to fly without any gravitational pull.
Rainbow Star: Such as the regular star in previous Super Mario games, it allows the player to be invincible temporarily.

Onto the review part! 

  • It is a vibrant and colourful game.
  • The introduction of new power-ups makes it more interesting for fans of the Mario Franchise.
  • It is a completely unique Mario game due to it being set in space and reasons I mentioned previously.
  • There are A LOT of levels, and a lot of different levels, such as: Toy themed levels, and also levels that resemble the more retro Mario games (Look up Throwback galaxy!)
  • Upon completing the game, you access Super Luigi Galaxy, where you can play through the whole game using our favourite twin, Luigi!
  • The Prankster Comets make the game fun even after you've completed it.
  • Rosalinas story could melt anyones heart.
  • The game has more depth than previous Mario games, due to the introduction of characters like Lumas.
  • There is a second game!
  • Due to it being on a Wii, it is not HD.
  • The controls can sometimes be a bit fiddly, due to the player having to shake the WiiMote to progress in levels & retrieve Starbits

On a scale of 1-10, I give this game 9.8/10 Cupcakes!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Pokemon: Art Academy!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be reviewing a fairly new game called Pokemon: Art Academy for 3DS
I was very excited for this to come out, as I am a former Art and Graphics student and regularly draw in my spare time.

Pokemon: Art Academy, is evidently a drawing game that teaches you how to draw Pokemon using many different mediums, such as: Pastel, pencil, and paint. It is not competitive and is single player, as you work your way through drawing each Pokemon the game throws at you. There are a lot of different stages that increase in difficulty as you progress, for example: The first few 'levels' or so to speak, are solely about drawing several Pokemon(s) heads to   warm you up - It then moves onto different angles, full body, etc. You are guided by Professor Andy, who teaches you the basics, along with another person in your class, who doesn't have the best drawing skills.. to say the least.

As you can see, your drawing partner is a 
bit inept when it comes to the artistic side, but I think we all know it's because Nintendo are trying to flatter those who play it. Nevertheless he does improve and so do you! You have total free-reign over how well you draw the Pokemon given to you, intact theres no point-system as to how accurate you are with lines and colours etc, purely because not everyone has natural drawing flair which is completely understandable. Being able to take this game at your own pace makes it much more enjoyable and relaxing.

There is also the option to draw freely, and also select from a wide variety of quick-draw Pokemon. I have drawn things from other franchises many times, as the use of layers in Pokemon: Art Academy allow you to differentiate between the outline(s) and colour(s) - making it rather similar to drawing programs such as Photoshop and Gimp - but portable!

Unfortunately, the game is not viewable in 3D which juxtaposes the system it is on, however it would not add much to the game if 3D was available. I think it would be really fun to re-watch your drawings in 3D, because then they'd really come to life.

Onto the review part!


  • It teaches you how to draw Pokemon, but also teaches you many drawing techniques which is extremely useful if you are a creative arts fan.
  • It is a very vibrant and cheerful game - meaning it doesn't stress the player out because its completely subjective and personal how you draw.
  • It includes Pokemon from every generation, including legendaries.
  • There are a lot of different mediums you can draw with that are accurate and educational.
  • The Professor trains you up to be able to draw things free-hand.
  • It gets a lot harder quickly in-game, adding challenge to it.
  • There are NO time limits!
  • You can buy it for as little as £24.99


  • It is not viewable in 3D.
  • Due to it becoming progressively difficult, it may not be suited for a younger audience as it becomes more in-depth quite quickly.
  • Although it is cheap for a 3DS game, it is still £24.99+ which may put some people off considering its just a drawing game.
  • It is not long enough - meaning the classes and different levels can be completed in a matter of hours - depending on how long you spend on each drawing.
  • There are no achievements.


On a scale of 1-10, I give this game 7.5 Cupcakes!

Thanks for reading!

My top 5 Robin Williams moments on-screen.

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be paying respect to the late Robin Williams who died due to Self-Asphyxia. I'm not going to go into much detail about his death, because it is graphic and a sensitive subject.

For those who do not know me very well, I grew up watching Robin Williams films with my older brothers. I remember buying Mrs Doubtfire on VHS for £4 and was so excited to get home and watch it with my family. We absolutely loved it and it is a family favourite which we still quote to this day. Robin Williams had a huge impact on my childhood, and If I wasn't watching Disney films, I would be watching Jumanji, Aladdin, Hook, or Flubber. As I grew older, I started to understand the maturer films, such as Bicentennial Man, and Patch Adams. I felt like Robin Williams himself had grown up with me, as if he was family. 

Growing up watching a certain actor, and seeing them as a role model throughout your life makes you want to believe that they'll be around forever - this reminds me of his role in Hook, as he was Peter Pan - he never wanted to grow up and age. Seeing someone like Robin, who appeared so content and confident with his acting, I guess you would think he'd be here for a long time. Unfortunately, depression can hide in the tiniest cracks of your mind and slowly those cracks start to spread. 

I don't want this post to be sad, instead I want to celebrate his life and the legacy he left. Which is why I'm going to be doing my top 5 favourite Robin Williams moments on-screen, from my favourite films: Mrs Doubtfire, Aladdin, Hook, Jumanji, and Flubber. 

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. :) 

1. "This Hollandaise sauce smells like burnt rubber.."

2. "Mr Aladdin, sir, what will your pleasure be?"

3. "..You can fly, you can fight, you can-"

4. "What year is it?!"

5. "Its amazing! Its miraculous! its....gone."


This week, family, friends, the film industry, and the world lost someone incredibly precious. This has been such an enormous loss. 

Before I end the blog post I would like to say this:
Please do NOT suffer in silence, there are those who can help you. 

Thank you Robin Williams for providing millions of people with endless laughter. Your legacy will live on. You are gone, but not forgotten. 

Thanks for reading!

Mega Slowbro!

Hello my lovelies!

Today I'm going to be doing a quick blog post about Mega Slowbro from Pokemon which was recently announced.

The Korean Pokemon website accidentally released images of Slowbros Mega Evolution and deleted it shortly after, however this did not stop it from spreading across the internet. As you can imagine, it caused a bit of an uproar due to its strange appearance. Some loved it, some hated it. Compared to Slowbros normal form, it is easy to say that during the M-E transformation, the shell on his tail engulfs the rest of his body - Kind of disturbing.

Slowbro remains a dual-type Pokemon (Water/Psychic) even when he is in his mega-evolution form - which actually sparked a lot of questions, considering the majority of mega-evolutioned Pokemon received a change in type. However, Mega-Slowbro will get a Defense and Special Att increase - which I believe is not that forgiving, considering Slowbros speed is his lowest stat - understandably, but even a small Speed increase would have made him a lot more useful in the battlefield. 

What sparked the most controversy was the official footage of Mega-Slowbro - that was later released and shown at the 2014 Pokémon World Championships - As he wobbles and spins a lot (I don't know about you, but this made me feel really nervous due to the fact that he looks mentally decapitated). Infact, Pokefans across the world are calling it Nintendos cruellest Pokemon to date - that's a pretty hefty title.

You can watch the trailer here - 
Are you excited about Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? Let me know in the comments!

I'm sorry this was a short post, but thanks for reading!